One of the greatest things about little kids are the funny things they say. Here are some of Jude's best lately:
"I scooted." -which is to say he farted. Chad dislikes the use of fart because it is not proper, as if that body function is proper by any other name, and is trying to get Jude to say "toot." I don't have a problem with fart but whatever.
"Mommy your tummy is huge." -hmmm yes thank you.
"The green ones make you fat." -so I had mentioned my dad (to my shame) paid for my girl scout cookies the other day and in an attempt to not feel like a 12 year old free loader I offered him some thin mints his favorite. But he turned them down and told Jude they would make him fat. So now Jude won't touch the cookies in the green box. I wonder what else I can keep him out of?
"When we went to Canada we saw the cows and rode the four wheelers and the blues ones tires popped." -this one had me really confused because Jude has never been to Canada. But then I realized he meant Crockett, TX. Canada, Crockett really not much different they are both north of Houston.
What is not so funny is how quickly and early kids learn to use words to hurt people. The other day Jude threw a major tantrum (who on earth could he have inherited that from...). Anyway it lasted over 40 min and involved time out, spanking, and a mommy that was in need of her own repentance and forgiveness by the end (parenting is definitely not easy and a good way for God to do some work on the parent). Needless to say I got angry, really angry but then with just a few words shouted at me from my sweet, loving (ok not at the time, he was a little fiend, kicking and hitting me, running away from me, etc.) little three year old I felt defeated and wanted to quit, give up and let him win (though if you know me I pretty much never quit and I usually win).
"I don't love you."
"Go away."
"I hate you."
Man, how does a three year old know how to hurt you with words. Well I was a little surprised at how much it did hurt. Especially since I know he doesn't really mean it and that it is not true. Also he was pretty much demon possessed at the time. But hurt it did. Words are like that. Words can wound and cut deep into you. And once you release those words you can't take them back. Sometimes it is through carelessness but often we use words to intentionally wound others. I am reminded that the book of James tell us that we should not use our words one minute to praise God and the next to curse people, people who are in fact made in the likeness of God.
Anyway thanks to Jude I have a new appreciation for the power of words.
"Words have power in matters of life and death and those who love them will savor their fruit." - Proverbs 18:21 (The Voice Translation)
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