Saturday, April 1, 2017



I miss you so much. I am slammed again today even after 16 years with the loss of you. I keep thinking it should get easier each year but it's almost the opposite ever year I dread April Fool's Day because while some people enjoy the fun day of pranks I can only remember the day you died. I was just 15. It was awful and is etched in my memory. Sudden and without warning. I didn't know that when I hugged you and said I love you and went to Granny and Granddaddy's house for the night it was the last time. I didn't know that while drinking coffee and playing canasta after a lovely church service we would get a frantic call from Charity, 10 at the time saying you were knocked out. As Granddaddy flew down Telge at what must have been 70 miles per hour or higher I was unprepared to see you lying on the ground, and then whisked away in the the ambulance. I remember collapsing against the wall at the hospital when they came and told us you were gone. I remember looking on the empty you in the hospital bed.

I also remember how Jesus, whom you loved and taught me to love was with us. I remember praying as we raced to my house. I remember dad circling us up as the ambulance drove off and how he lead us in prayer to remember and trust Jesus. I remember the lady in the bathroom comforting me and telling me Jesus was with me - she left before me out the door but those waiting out side the door for me told me no one came out. I remember picking up your Bible and reading the verses you had highlighted and knowing the Jesus loved me - even though everything was all wrong and it seemed nothing could be right ever again. I remember listening your favorite artist Rich Mullins and the lyrics to "Hold Me Jesus." I remember how I was never truly alone that Jesus was with me. I remember your presence in the form of friends and family who love you.

The pain and loss of you is tremendous. I miss you. I wish most every day that you could see your grandsons and that they could know you. I wish I had had more time with you. I am thankful you are my mom. I am thankful you taught me to love Jesus. You gave me the best gift ever - you led me to him. I can't wait until the day I meet you again and we can be with Jesus together forever. I love you and miss you.


please excuse any poor grammar due to emotionalism...

Mom and Granny 

Mom's senior picture

Mom barrel racing

A beautiful bride

Mom with Jeremy