We visited with the elementary students and then they prayed blessings over us and I almost cried several times as they were praying. You see there is something so special and wonderful about hearing children grades K-5 voicing their requests to God. They don't use big fancy words (ok one did but he is obviously a genuis child) and try to make their prayers sound respectable - they just ask for what they want and that is so refreshing.
It made me think of the story I was reading Jude from his Bible (The Jesus Storybook Bible!) just the other morning. It was about Jesus and the Children. I love how this Bible draws connections - it is awesome - go and buy it now if you have not! Anyway the story starts with the Jesus' Disciples arguing over who is the greatest and how they had forgotten that God's love is a gift and there is nothing you can do to earn it. But then it tells of how the children just wanted to be with Jesus and it says, "You see, children loved Jesus, and they knew they didn't need to do anything special for Jesus to love them. All they needed to do was to run into his arms." Then Jesus told his Disciples, "No matter how big you grow, never grow up so much that you lose your child's heart: full of trust in God. Be like these children. They are the most important in my kingdom."
What a great reminder from the elementary students of what it looks like to have a child's heart. I think it was the biggest blessing of the shower!