Sunday, March 30, 2014

Just So Thankful!

"Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his stead fast love endures forever!" - Psalm 118:1

 I find myself overcome with thankfulness this morning.

 I am thankful for Asher.

I am thankful for all the friends and family who have brought us meals or signed up to do so.

I am thankful for the beautiful cards and flowers we have received.

 I am thankful for my birth team: Connie Blokkum (midwife), Amanda (birth assistant) and Chad.

I am thankful for my chiropractor, Dr. Mick Mahan, who adjusted me frequently during pregnancy and made a house call to check baby Asher and give me and Chad adjustments.

I am thankful for the moms in my neighborhood that are becoming dear friends and have been so supportive through pregnancy and now.

I am thankful for my Granny who has come by to help with the boys and housework.

I am thankful for Christy and my Dad who kept the big boys for a couple of days and brought us meals.

I am thankful for how well Jude and Shiloh are adjusting to their new baby brother (Jude is very concerned every time Asher spits up and Shiloh loves to pat his head).

I am thankful for Chad, my wonderful supportive husband. He is a great dad, taking care of Jude and Shiloh so well while I rest. He was my biggest supporter during Asher's birth and I do not know how I could have done it without him.

I am so thankful for Jesus. He has been with me during everything and he has showered his steadfast love on me in so many way (as if rescuing me from sin and separation from God with his death on the cross was not enough): providing an awesome support network, providing me with wonderful friends and family, blessing me with a godly husband who has demonstrated to me the love that He (Jesus) has for his church in the way he has cared for me during our marriage and especially this week, and entrusting to me three wonderful little boys who I pray becoming godly men that share Jesus with many people.

I am just so thankful.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Welcome to the Family!

Introducing the newest member of our family...
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Asher: "fortunate, blessed, happy one"; David: "beloved"

March, 25, 2014 @ 1:06 am
9 lbs 2 oz & 20 1/2 in long


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Friday, March 21, 2014

Picture Post

Playing in the sandbox at the park.


Head first.

The Climb.

 Crazy drivers.


Making do with Cousin Haylyn's shirt after a bath at Granny's. Look it was this or a dress.

When do me make fall crafts? In  the spring, before a thunder storm. Yes we did!

Supplies: rope, large pine cones, peanut butter, bird seed.

Jude tasted more peanut butter than he put on the cone and really who can blame him?

Impatience...wonder where he gets it. He kept trying to open the bird seed before we were even finished with the peanut butter.

Sprinkling bird seed.

Helping Shiloh.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Then there were 3...

No baby Asher is not here yet. I told you I would post pictures very soon after so please continue to refrain from asking. I don't know. And only call me if you are my midwife or my chiropractor wanting to give me another adjustment.

3 cactuses! Ok it is only 2 and 1 one aloe plant. And yes I know it is not correct to say cactuses because the plural is cacti but I like to say cactuses so: cactuses, cactuses, cactuses!

I love them! Aren't they beautiful and to keep them alive you simply do nothing!

Yesterday I got my adjustment at the chiropractor's office and then we loaded up and went to Ruggles Green for lunch. Yummmmmmmmm. I had way too much to eat! Thank you whoever gave us the gift card!

Then we went to Ikea to walk and to pick up the duvet covers we wanted for the boys bunk beds (you know the bunk bed I built at 39 weeks...2 weeks ago...yes I am 41 weeks now...). And on our way out I saw the cactuses! I used to have cactuses but Chad killed them shortly after we were married because he tried to take care of them and to keep them alive you simply ignore them - my kind of plant!

Bunk beds with new duvet covers. Lilah is modeling for you.

Today was spent trying to keep the boys alive, at the midwife, taking naps, Chad mowed the yard and climbed the tree to hang a fake hawk to discourage birdies from pooping on the kids playground. So not too exciting.

Doing puzzles naked because mommy is trying to type a blog and they escaped daddy after bath time...

Monday, March 17, 2014


Good Morning Y'all!

We are still WAITING on baby Asher...

While waiting we have:

Made several trips to the park.

Played in the mud and rain. (For some reason the video I have won't load so I will try in another post).

Chad and I watched all of the Indian Jones movies and Catching Fire. What is next I do not know...perhaps Star Wars because I love Star Wars.

Jude and I made peanut butter chocolate chip oatmeal for breakfast this morning and it was delicious.

Pouring and sampling the oats at the same time.


All this waiting is driving me insane! I am so ready for Asher to be here already. And quite frankly I thought he would be. Jude arrived a mere 2 hours after his "due date" and Shiloh was nearly a week early so I was thinking at least by the due date. But no it seems that Asher is content to cook. I should have made harsher threats in my eviction notice. Perhaps if I threaten to film his birth and show it to his significant others...

But Chad made a good observation the other day that has given me things to think about (other than my fantasizing about going into labor and imagining contractions every 10 seconds). He said that this must be what the disciples and early church felt like as the were thinking that Jesus would return at any moment. 

And it is difficult this waiting as it is or should be as followers of Jesus. We are eagerly waiting for him but we still have to go on with our work. We need to be ready but sometimes our work makes it seem like we are messing up our readiness. We know we can't just sit around and wait but we don't want to get started on something new because it could be any time. 

Our house is ready for the birth (and has been for a month now) but I have to keep cleaning and straightening up to keep it that way. And I am getting tired of making sure everything is in order. And sometimes when I follow Jesus I am ready and on top of things and sometimes I am so so so tired of trying to make sure things are in order. But there is good news with Jesus because really he has already made me ready for his return (yes I need to be faithful - but he is my faithfulness - so really he is doing all the work). He has already accomplished everything and I only get bogged down because I try to do his job instead of just resting in him. 

Two passages keep coming to mind, so I'll share them and you can make of them what you will:

Romans 8:20-25 The Voice (VOICE)

20 You see, all of creation has collapsed into emptiness, not by its own choosing, but by God’s. Still He placed within it adeep and abiding hope 21 that creation would one day be liberated from its slavery to corruption and experience the glorious freedom of the children of God. 22 For we know that all creation groans in unison with birthing pains up until now. 23 And there is more; it’s not just creation—all of us are groaning together too. Though we have already tasted the firstfruits of the Spirit, we are longing for the total redemption of our bodies that comes when our adoption as children of God is complete— 24 for we have been saved in this hope and for this future. But hope does not involve what we already have or see. For who goes around hoping for what he already has? 25 But if we wait expectantly for things we have never seen, then we hope with true perseverance and eager anticipation.

Philippians 3:7-14 The Voice (VOICE)

7 But whatever I used to count as my greatest accomplishments, I’ve written them off as a loss because of the Anointed One. 8 And more so, I now realize that all I gained and thought was important was nothing but yesterday’s garbage compared to knowing the Anointed Jesus my Lord. For Him I have thrown everything aside—it’s nothing but a pile of waste—so that I may gain Him. 9 When it counts, I want to be found belonging to Him, not clinging to my own righteousness based on law, but actively relying on the faithfulness of the Anointed One. This is true righteousness, supplied by God, acquired by faith. 10 I want to know Him inside and out. I want to experience the power of His resurrection and join in His suffering, shaped by His death, 11 so that I may arrive safely at the resurrection from the dead. 12 I’m not there yet, nor have I become perfect; but I am charging on to gain anything and everything the Anointed One, Jesus, has in store for me—and nothing will stand in my way because He has grabbed me and won’t let me go.13 Brothers and sisters, as I said, I know I have not arrived; but there’s one thing I am doing: I’m leaving my old life behind, putting everything on the line for this mission. 14 I am sprinting toward the only goal that counts: to cross the line, to win the prize, and to hear God’s call to resurrection life found exclusively in Jesus the Anointed.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Eviction Notice!

Eviction Notice: 
Dear Baby Asher,
Your 40 weeks lease is UP! Please evacuate the premises. 
-Lovingly your mommy

P.S. - Mommy and Daddy are anxious to hold you and kiss you and love on you. You will be very safe and warm and cozy out here with us. Jude and Shiloh will be great big brothers and all of our family and friends can't wait to meet you.

P.S.S. - For every day you reside over your lease mommy will hold on to some embarrassing story, picture or video that I will show to people when you are older!

Today is my guess day, which is to say I am now 40 weeks pregnant so obviously I am now "over due" and everyone will be asking me, is the baby here yet? Well look at the picture. No he is not. And I still have no idea when he will come. It could be today or still a week or two out. But don't worry we will post pictures on Facebook almost as soon as he is born and many people will receive a text - so please refrain from asking me if he is here yet!

I am very excited to meet this new baby but I also am going to trust that God knows the perfect time for him to be born. I am growing to appreciate more what Paul says in Philippians 4:13, "I can be content in any and every situation through the Anointed One who is my power and strength." (The Voice Translation). Being pregnant is definitely not my favorite thing in the world and waiting is also something I have never been super great at. But when I rest in the promises of God and trust him fully I am finding that I can be content. I know that God is the Creator of my body and this little baby inside me. I have not had any control on how this baby has been made, of course I have made decisions to not interfere with the process and keep my body as healthy as possible (diet, exercise, chiropractic care, midwife, vitamins, etc.) but God is the one who is forming this baby and God will know the perfect time for him to be born. So really I just need to not interfere. And in the meantime I am going to work on allowing Jesus to be my power and strength for being content and enjoy these last days as a family of 6 (Me, Chad, Jude, Shiloh, Lilah and Boker - the dogs count!).

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

False Alarms...

Yesterday we had a very busy day.

After a trip to the chiropractor we headed home to pack a picknic lunch to take to the park (which of course we walked to...). But while I was making lunch the boys decided it would be a good idea to feed the dogs (they are much better care takers of the dogs then I am, Shiloh pretty much reminds me every day to feed the dogs...I have decided to look at this as an accomplishment in teaching the boys responsibility rather than a failure that I can't seem to remember to give them food and water). Anyway I looked up and realized that Shiloh has not allowing the dogs to eat rather he was pouring the water into the food and making a huge mess. Then he decided to sweep up his mess (which is to say he spread wet dog food everywhere). By the time I got over to him the entire dining room floor was covered with wet dog. So I abandoned my lunch making for the moment and went to work cleaning up the mess.

After cleaning up the dog food I got back to our lunch figuring we could still eat at the park. Just as I finished with the lunch making I heard the boys at the back door and went to investigate. Of course they had found a mud puddle outside and were covered head to toe in mud so once again lunch was delayed for cleaning. But that is what showers are for right? By that time I was too tired to take lunch to the park so we just ate at home.

After lunch we headed to the park so the boys could get some more energy out. My brother, Jeremy, brought his daughter Haylyn to the park so the cousins could play. We played too long and missed nap time. Which is becoming quite a thing for us...

Shiloh fell asleep eating his dinner.

Poor Chad had to deal with the effects of non rested children that night because I got to go to dinner with a friend while he watched her son, who had also not napped that day (fun to note my friends little boys doesn't speak much English because his parents only speak French to him so he will grow up bilingual).

Chad survived though and I am thankful to have gotten a small break!

We went to bed late and were sleeping hard when the false alarms started. And I am not talking about contractions and going into labor. I mean our fire alarms went haywire. I can still hear ringing in my ears it was so loud. We sat up and bolted to the boys room the first time but the alarms stopped and we didn't know where it originated. So we checked every room. No smoke, no heat, nothing. So after a confused 15 minutes we went back to bed feeling very weirded out. 2 hours later it happened again and we realized it was starting in our room. So Chad took out the battery and reset the alarm but 10 minutes later it went off again. So he unhooked the alarm and we thought well at least now we can sleep. But about 10-15 min later the hall alarm acted up. Then the far hall. Then the guest room. Enough we thought and quickly and quietly disassembled all of the fire alarms in the house (because by some miracle and a lack of naps the boys were still sleeping). By the time everything was all sorted it was past 3am. So we basically did not get much sleep last night.

Our broken alarms.

Our agenda today is to visit the midwife and take naps! Oh and go to the store and buy new fire alarms (pray I don't set fire to the house at least not until we have working alarms).


Thursday, March 6, 2014

This and That

The past few days have been made up of a little of this and that.

After promising I would not build any more furniture I had to look for other things to do to keep me busy.

Tuesday we had the worst winter weather day yet with ice in the trees and on the roads but I never really heard anything significant on it from the media. Perhaps the first two winter storms, in which they cried wolf prevented them from making a big deal.

I had an appointment with my midwife on Tuesday morning so it was a good thing that it was only raining by the time we left. But because of the ice in the trees there where limbs coming down and the power got knocked out. So I had to figure out how to open the garage door manually, thankful I had a flashlight handy and it turned out not to difficult at all.

A rather unfortunate result of power being out was all the gas stations around me were closed but we made it to Katy and I could hear my granddaddy's voice saying, "I warned you never let your tank get below 1/4 full" as I prayed we would make it to a gas station that was open before the light came on. Also when we made it to a gas station that was open they were not taking credit or debit cards because they had been out of power and it had messed up their systems - we tried 2 or 3 before I realized that it was not an issue with my card. This time I could hear the voice of my best friend's dad telling me, "never drive without at least $20 in cash on you." I had $10 - so at least I half way listened to this warning.

After my appointment the boys and I went to Chick-fil-a. Yummy.

Jude and Shiloh enjoying their lunch.

Jude on the slide.

Shiloh refusing to come down.

When it was time to leave Shiloh decided he no longer wanted to climb down or go down the slide. So mommy had to climb up into the play thing and retrieve him. Not so fun or easy when you have a huge belly. But it had to be done!

We made it home and the power was back on so we made a pallet in the living room with blankets and pillows and watched Planes. I had hoped we would take naps but it was not to be.

Wednesday was spent lounging around the house because the weather was still yucky and I gave the boys hair cuts. It was not all that exciting. We did get into the car and drove through Starbucks (I had a gift card) to get hot chocolate and coffee after nap time because we needed out of the house but we didn't get dressed so I'm sure we looked awesome in our pi's and house robes but we don't care if people judge us.

Now on to today to see what it brings us...preferably a baby!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Should you be doing that?

So at 39 weeks pregnant I am getting used to the "how much longer?" question to which I keep answering well that depends on baby Asher now doesn't it? I mean really I don't have much control and I have no idea. I have a "due date" but really he could come before or after so anyway I think about how I don't want to be pregnant any longer and that question is not really helpful. Jude's answer is by far the best when people ask when the baby is coming, "Asher is coming on his birthday!"

I have also been frequently asked, "should you be doing that?" Why I want to know? Will it cause me to go into labor because if it will cause me to go into labor then the answer is most definitely yes I should be doing that. But seriously picking up a bag of dog food at Walmart really shouldn't warrant that question. Not when there are 2 children in my cart that are obviously heavier than the bag of food because I pick them up so what is the difference dog food, kid, not much really.

Since most people around me are obsessed with how "cute" by belly is here is a picture...

Anyway, to his credit he just laughed, Chad came home yesterday and refrained from asking that question when Jude led him to his room and declared, "look mommy made me a bunk bed!" Yes I did. However it is not actually complete because we have to go to the hardware store pick up a couple of pieces that we are lacking in the actual building. 

I have been contemplating putting together the bunk bed for quite a while now and since the boys would nap yesterday afternoon I gave it a go (I'm a very impulsive person you know). Poor Chad has to help finish...but Jude seems pretty happy! 

So the bed the boys are standing on actually will go across the two dresser things and the bed standing up will go where the bed the boys are on will go. Since we didn't have the parts to secure the loft bed we didn't want to leave it up so sorry there is no picture but just imagine it up there and then ask yourself if Destiny lifted it up there without help at 39 weeks pregnant...yes would be the answer to that question and of course I should be doing that because maybe I'll go into labor!

Chad did make me promise no more building projects until he is home...

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Strawberry Fields Forever :)

We went strawberry picking today! Yay! I love love love strawberries and so do the boys! Jude wanted to pick blueberries, blackberries and raspberries also. When I informed him that it was the month for strawberries he wanted to know when the other fruits where in. A nearby farm has blueberries in May and blackberries in June but to be honest I have no idea when raspberries are in and Jude was not happy that I did not know. Hate to tell him but there are a lot of things mommy does not know!

First we stopped at the bank and Jude of course remembers that one time went to the bank and the lady sent him a sucker through that tunnel thing. So of course he and Shiloh got Suckers. Jude picked the red one because it matched his red "Cahao" shoes and Shiloh got the green one because it matched his green shoes.

Shiloh with his green sucker.

Jude showing off his red tongue.

Then we stopped at a car wash to give mommy's car a bath. The boys both enjoyed watching from the inside as daddy sprayed the car down and suds it up with bright pink soap, to which were informed afterward smelled like strawberries which I think is quite fitting as we were headed out to pick berries!

We met up with a family from church atAtkinson's farm off Spring Cypress road, in Spring. And to be honest it was one field of strawberries and pickings seemed kinda of slim but we did nab some 3 lbs of strawberries so that is all to the good. I am dreaming of chocolate covered strawberries, strawberry pie and strawberries and coconut cream baked oatmeal. Not to mention just eating those fresh strawberries! 

In addition to strawberries they had a little bitty farmers market and I got a huge head of lettuce, cauliflower, avocados, pears, sweet potatoes, and a tomato. I am going to make yummy hamburgers and sweet potato fries for dinner. Yum!

After picking berries we had lunch at Freebirds with our friends and I must say I wish it had been Chipotle but oh well it was good and the company was awesome!

Got to go now as Shiloh is starting to melt down, you see he and Jude decided that they did not need a nap this afternoon so now we are striving to make it to bed time and the animal crackers I bribed him with so I could blog are gone...

A couple of pictures in parting:

Poor kids pants won't stay up.

Daddy trying to explain we only pick the red ones.


I am not looking at you even though you have repeatedly said my name. You can't make me.

Found one!

Perfect for covering in delicious chocolate if you ask me. It even has a long stem. If it was still Valentine's Day I could sell it for over a dollar!