Those Wise Guys have been keeping us busy:
Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah - Revelation 5:5. The Wise Men were waiting for is this morning with a clip to listen to from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. We heard Mr. Beaver tell the Children about Aslan. We found out he may not be safe but he is good. Jesus is powerful but he always uses his power for good and we might be nervous about meeting him but we needn't be because He loves us.
Jesus is the Bread of Life - John 6:48-51. We caught the Wise Men making toast. They taught us that just as we need to nourish our physical body with food we need to nourish our spirits. Jesus is the only one who can satisfy our spiritual hunger.
Jesus is The Rock - 1 Corinthians 10:1-4. The Wise Men had the boys stand on soda cans and pillows. Soda cans crush and pillows are soft and go flat. Then we stood on the tile floor and talked about the strong and sturdy foundation we were standing on. Jesus is our strong and sturdy foundation and he allows us to see the world through his eyes (biblical worldview). He is our rock.
Jesus is our Mediator - 1 Timothy 2:5-6. This morning the Wise Men used Skype to teach us that when they are in separate places they can connect to each other through Skype. We are separated from God because of our sins and with Jesus as our mediator we can connected to God.
Jesus is our friend - John 15:15. Today the Wise Men are going to teach the boys that Jesus is our friend. Just like we play with our friends and share with them Jesus shares his life with us and his plans with us.
Jesus is the Lamb of God - John 1:29. The Wise Men are going to show the boys how to make hand print lambs. In the OT when people sinned God accepted a perfect lamb as a sacrifice for their sins. God sent Jesus to be our perfect lamb. Jesus died so we can be forgiven. His sacrifices covers all sin for all times.
Jesus is the Great High Priest - Hebrews 4:14. The Wise Men had the boys try and walk a tight rope with a book on their heads. When they made a mistake and the book fell off we talked about how we couldn't be perfect and we make mistakes called sin. We need a High Priest who can talk to God for us and atone for our sin. Jesus who lived a perfect life without sin talks to God for us. He is our Great High Priest.
Jesus is the Way - John 14:6. The Wise Men left a trail of arrows throughout the house that lead to a map. Maps help find our way and get us to where we want to go. Jesus is the only way to God, he is like a map that shows us the way (or perhaps GPS that talks to us ;) to God.
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