Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A Zoo Day!

We went to the Zoo! We love the Zoo! Now that the weather is much more pleasant we will probably go every other week. Our membership is so worth it.

Last Thursday we went to the Zoo with my God-Sister Stephanie, her little boy James and my other God-Sister Lauren. We had a blast. The animals were active and it was fun to see. During the summer they tend to lay there and do nothing. But this time it was not so! Yay!

We saw the elephants. I love baby Duncan he is so cute!!!!! I tried to get good pictures but as all I have now is my phone camera they are just so-so.

We saw the chimpanzees. They were screaming and wrestling each other. And one of them kept running up and doing a flying sidekick at the exhibit glass. Ok it wasn't a flying sidekick but he jumped in the air and kicked the window. It was crazy I've never seen them act like that. Fun to watch. Lauren thought it might perhaps be mating season...

We saw the giraffes. My favorite. I love how they walk. And the baby was out.

Since the splash pad was closed (thank goodness! it was too overcast and slightly chilly - 80 degrees - Texas girl) we went to the Children's Zoo and played on the playground, the boys especially like the side by the Otter viewing area. And what a disappointment the Otter was asleep. Then we petted the goats.

Our favorite animal of the day was the baby Clouded Leopards!!!! They are so adorable! I want one. They are just 3 months old and are super playful. We watched them for 30 minutes. They only come out 1 hour a day (11-12ish) because they are still young and fearless. They climb too high and have to be rescued with a ladder. They fall and have to be caught by the zoo keepers. So for now they can only spend 1 hour outside. The babies will be leaving in the next couple months so we are going to try and see them again before they leave.

All in all it was a great day!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Half a Year?!

Asher is 6 months old today. Wow. I can't believe it. Slow down time :)

Asher is becoming a slightly less fussy guy! Yay!

I haven't measured him so I don't know how long he is but is is about 18 lbs (as of last week). He is wearing 9 month clothing and seems to fit very nicely into them except his open footed sleepers are a little short like high waters but since we are only sleeping who cares?

Asher loves to eat. If we sit down at the table and do not provide him something he gets very angry. I suppose with all his teeth he knows he should be getting some food. He has 6 teeth. the front 2 and bottom 2 are all the way through and the 2 on the sides of his front are pushing through. Too many teeth. He bites me when nursing and it hurts, especially when he falls asleep and clamps down....ouch!

Asher can sit up. He likes his jumpy thing (the kind you hang in the doorway) and bounces contentedly while I fold laundry (I am not as content doing laundry...). He will play in the pack n play. He still likes his saucer thing. The main thing though is we only have 10-15 min in any given activity. He still likes being worn and the hair dryer is still magic!

Asher is finally napping! Hooray!!!!! A morning nap and afternoon nap in his crib. I have no idea how and why but I don't care I'm just happy! It's helpful to leave the sound maker on - longer nap!

We all love our little baby! He has the cutest little giggle and a smile that will melt your heart. He is very vocal and loud so I have a feeling he will fit in nicely with the other boys. He watches everything they do and I can tell he wants to join in.We are so blessed to have this little guy!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Baby Giggles :)

Another video...I know when will I ever write? But with videos this cute I can't go wrong :)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Sleep Eating!

It's a thing y'all! This video is so cute. I want to laugh and cry at the same time!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Following in my steps...

Jude is 4 now and 4 is when one can officially take taekowndo at our martial arts school. Jude has been taking little ninjas for about a year (though he has had a break since baby Asher was born) - I knew his instructor Master Legare (me). Anyway Jude tested for the first time last night. I was one proud momma!

Jude with Instructor Mimi. 

I was proud :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Birthday Bash!

Better a week late than never....

Last week Jude and Shiloh turned 4 and 2. We had a party with friends on the Saturday before their birthday and we had a party with family on their birthday. Both were great fun! Below are quite a few pictures from both party days!