Friday, August 19, 2016

Meet the Teacher!

Last night we went to the connection school for meet the teacher. Jude's going to kindergarten this year! I always thought that perhaps we might homeschool but  Chad works for the connection school and it seems as if it's going to be a great fit for us.

My number one reason in thinking that I would homeschool is because I feel very much that God has called us as parents to disciple our kids  and to teach them about him.  I had a very wise friend once tell me when she thought of her kids education she thought about what the end result would be and then made a plan from there. I want to see my boys  grow into men who love Jesus and are equipped to use their minds to glorify him. I thought in  order for our family to do this well I would need to homeschool. I'm so glad that the connection school exist. I'm so glad the connection school  has the purpose of discipling kids to love the Lord with all their hearts with all their soul without their strength and with all their mind. I'm excited to partner with the school to disciple our kids.

 It's a good thing the connection school exists because homeschooling might not have worked out so well for us. Last year I did a soft homeschool with Jude. We got some workbooks and we got a reading curriculum and we started.  We didn't get very far. We just can't seem to make time with all the crazy little boys I have around. It's bad enough that Jude commented, " I don't know all my letters because my mom keeps having babies." Point taken to school you go.

Jude is super excited about starting school on Monday!

Jude with his teacher Mrs. Lamar

Hmmmm....I sure hope we can find Jude's lunch box on Monday...

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