Friday, October 2, 2015

Another trip to the ER

The boys are super healthy. So the only time we see the dr is when they hurt themselves by being boys...

Asher came to the house on Sunday to show me his thumb. I couldn't see anything wrong with it so I wiped it off gave him a kiss, gave him some ice and sent him on his way. After his nap he woke up and his thumb was a little swollen. We thought perhaps he had a bug bite.

By Tuesday his swollen thumb was getting worse so I took him to the doctor. The doctor thought he had an action and gave him some antibiotics and told me I should start seeing improvement in 48 to 72 hours.

Fast forward to Thursday and the swelling was worse. It'd been almost 48 hours so I called the doctor back and took him in. The doctor sent us to Texas Children's Hospital.

After checking to make sure the infection did not reach the bone (X-ray) they gave him some pain meds and an anti-anxiety medal then the cut the finger and squeezed out the pus - yuck. It was a pretty terrible ordeal and he went crazy and was inconsolable and kept tearing off his bandages and cried until being buckled into his car seat at which point he passed out and slept all night. 

Whew. Glad that's over. Now I get to administer pain medication and antibiotics for a couple of days and attempt to keep the wound clean - in the last ten minutes I've had to put a bandaid  on 3 times and his current one is falling off (it doesn't help he keeps ripping them off)...

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