That is until your 18 month old has no greater joy they taking off said diaper every time he is his crib. You may try every diaper type you can think of but he still manages to get out. You may think you'll just put button or zipper onsies or footies in him but he will figure out how to escape those two. You may be close to dispair after changing sheets and showering him off twice in one day. I was close to giving up.
But then I remembered what the mama of peacock twins did when faced with the same dilemma - duct tape. Yup. Duct tape around the diaper. So far it's working and I'm much relieved to not be changing and washing sheets and the boy after every bedtime and nap time. Let's pray it continues to work.
Look mom I took off my pjs and am pulling the sheets of just like you have done all week long - not today bud the duct tape kept your diaper on!