Saturday, June 20, 2015

An Early Father's Day!

My parents travel a lot. And this summer is no exception. I knew they would be gone on Father's Day so we celebrated early. They came over for dinner and we grilled steaks and veggies. We ate watermelon and blackberries Christy bought off the side of the road in Hempstead - yum!

I always find it hard to get my dad a gift. How to be meaningful and not repeat the same gift over and over again. And then it came to me as I was sitting next to Christy as she folded laundry she said, "if you haven't already got a gift for your dad you could always get him bamboo underware, he only wears these two pair of underware and now I have to wash them everyday." You see my dad is obssesed with all things bamboo right now 

Yes that is when the idea came to me. I wasn't going to just buy my dad bamboo underware I was going to make him some. So I went out to their back yard and cut some of the bamboo that hangs into their yard. Took it and a pair of his old underware home. A little bit of hot glue an ta-da bamboo underware. I wrote up a cute little paragraph borrowing from Bubba in Forest Gump, the bit about shrimp. And a successful for gift if I do say so my self. (Ok I did buy him some real bamboo underware fr Amazon that he will get whenever he comes back to Houston). 

Funny enough Jude disappeared for a bit after I made the bamboo underware and when he reappeared he was holding a pair of underware he had glued bamboo on, "Mommy I made Shiloh some bamboo underware like Pops'."

Happy Father's Day Dad!

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