I hear often from people when I mention the things we are doing to diligently teach our children about Jesus that what we are doing takes way to much effort but we don't think so. The world has time to decorate with bright colors, bunnies and eggs. They buy candy and baskets and presents. They take the time to be with family and enjoy food. They dress up and take pictures and sometimes they even go to church on Easter. Of all the times to be able to celebrate (and I love a good celebration!) Easter is definitely one to go all out to impress upon the hearts of my children why we celebrate. Last night we celebrated and it was wonderful. We celebrated and praised our God who redeemed his people from Egypt and we celebrated the even bigger rescue of his people from sin with the death and resurrection of his Son Jesus.
Tonight on Good Friday we will reflect on the Crucifixion. Then bring on the celebration of the Resurrection! Bring on the colors and my kids would say the eggs and candy (and why not?)! Bring on the time with family and the good food (can you say fajitas with Granny?)! We probably won't dress up with boys why bother - they'd just ruin their clothes. Bring on the celebration with the church gathering at a park (pray it doesn't rain)! We will celebrate and it will be bigger and better than the worlds celebration because we understand the reason we celebrate - it is because He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!
Passover Meal special elements (complete with frogs from the 10 plagues...).
Blessing to begin the meal.
Following Jesus' example of washing feet.
Reading the Passover story from Exodus.
My visuals for the 10 plagues.
Plagues all over the table.
Flies, locust, frogs, hail, water to blood, death of livestock...
Poor Asher got boils.
Jude loved the lamb - this is before he knew it had to die.
Painting the doorframe with the Lambs blood.
Explaining the matzah.
A treat for finding the afikomen.
Poor Asher still had boils.
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