Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Kitchen DIY Makeover

Sometime in February our dishwasher broke. When this happened we discovered a leak and more damage to the cabinets than we realized was there. We thought heck lets make an insure claim and see if we get anything. We got way more than we anticipated and thus began Chad's envisioning of a kitchen makeover. We can do it ourselves. The more I contemplated the work ahead the more misgivings I had. Lets just fix the cabinet and leave everything else, I said. But alas Chad had grand plans so we began. And as most DIY projects go we hit obstacle after obstacle and we barely finished (ok we aren't finished but close enough) before Chad's spring break ended. Some tears may have been shed (probably due to not sleeping and sheer exhaustion) and it is imperfect but I love it!


Another angle of before.

Sink cabinet repair.

All three boys watching the sink cabinet repair.

It may not be the most pretty thing in the world but it is functional and much cheaper than a new cabinet.

The boys loved the demo.

Demo of the counters and back splash. Bye bye white laminate.

No counters. And a very tore up sheet rock where the back splash was. Our idea of paint was not going to happen.

So we bought panel board for the backsplash. Chad was at the store and asked what I thought of wood back splash. I freaked out for a few minutes envisioning the 70's but I said ok I trust you. And then he brought home beautiful panelling! Well done Chad.

Jude and Shiloh built monster trucks. With real hammers...

Decorating their monster trucks.

Job mostly completed. With our new appliances we got for an excellent price! 

Another view of our kitchen!

If you ever want to redo your kitchen - don't call us - pay someone :)

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