Thursday, July 3, 2014

Drawing a blank on a clever title for this post...

I wanted to write a post. Felt I needed to write a post. But I have no clever or witty title.

I thought about titling it "Toothless." Then I would talk about how Asher is about to no longer be toothless. Really he is only 3 months old and his bottom 2 teeth are cutting through...why?

I would also use this title to expand on our love for dragons. We love them so much that they (dragons) have been houseguests for the last 2 weeks. Jude has informed me that Toothless, Hiccup and Astrif (yes I know her name is Astrid but Jude insist on calling her Astrif despite my attempts to correct him) are rooming with him. They have eaten dinner with us (I have set out plates for them), they really like carrots, and they went to the movies with us but Jude told them they had to stay in the car so they would destroy the theater. 

I didn't want to limit my post though so I tossed out the title "toothless." I thought maybe about titling it "servant hearted." Had this been the title I would have told y'all all about my sweet little Shiloh and his servants heart. He loves helping me. He sweeps the house. He vacuums. He cleans up messes. He puts away laundry (which is to say he unfolds the clothes I just spent 30 minutes folding and stuffs them in to drawers...and usually not the correct one). He washes dishes. And his new favorite task is to help put away the silverware (he's not too bad either...I mean he mostly gets the spoons and forks in the right spot).

Or maybe I should have titled it "Dog Days." Then I could write about how we took the dogs to the dog park and Boker and Lilah would not play with the other dogs. Instead they wanted to only lay in the mud. I would say that they were so tired afterward that Lilah fell asleep on the couch. And I would also admit to playing fetch with my children. Thats right, fetch with the boys. Jude put a dog toy in his mouth (does it make it less gross if I tell you it was not a random toy at the dog park? We were at home...) and brought it to me at which point I took it and threw it for him.

I wanted to share all these little stories but I've already used the title "Randomness" and I didn't want to use it again. I'm at the end of this post and still can't think of anything clever and witty so I guess I'll just leave it as is...

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