Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Should you be doing that?

So at 39 weeks pregnant I am getting used to the "how much longer?" question to which I keep answering well that depends on baby Asher now doesn't it? I mean really I don't have much control and I have no idea. I have a "due date" but really he could come before or after so anyway I think about how I don't want to be pregnant any longer and that question is not really helpful. Jude's answer is by far the best when people ask when the baby is coming, "Asher is coming on his birthday!"

I have also been frequently asked, "should you be doing that?" Why I want to know? Will it cause me to go into labor because if it will cause me to go into labor then the answer is most definitely yes I should be doing that. But seriously picking up a bag of dog food at Walmart really shouldn't warrant that question. Not when there are 2 children in my cart that are obviously heavier than the bag of food because I pick them up so what is the difference dog food, kid, not much really.

Since most people around me are obsessed with how "cute" by belly is here is a picture...

Anyway, to his credit he just laughed, Chad came home yesterday and refrained from asking that question when Jude led him to his room and declared, "look mommy made me a bunk bed!" Yes I did. However it is not actually complete because we have to go to the hardware store pick up a couple of pieces that we are lacking in the actual building. 

I have been contemplating putting together the bunk bed for quite a while now and since the boys would nap yesterday afternoon I gave it a go (I'm a very impulsive person you know). Poor Chad has to help finish...but Jude seems pretty happy! 

So the bed the boys are standing on actually will go across the two dresser things and the bed standing up will go where the bed the boys are on will go. Since we didn't have the parts to secure the loft bed we didn't want to leave it up so sorry there is no picture but just imagine it up there and then ask yourself if Destiny lifted it up there without help at 39 weeks pregnant...yes would be the answer to that question and of course I should be doing that because maybe I'll go into labor!

Chad did make me promise no more building projects until he is home...

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