Monday, July 21, 2014

The Aftermath

In the aftermath of Jude falling down and breaking his crown there have been many calls and messages asking how Jude is doing. Let me answer that Jude is doing wonderful! Thank God. Thank God that though Jude fell over 5ft and landed on his head he only sustained a fractured frontal bone that did penetrate his sinus cavities. I know that sounds bad and I suppose it is but it could have been much much worse. He could have had concussion. He could have had swelling or bleeding on his brain. He could have had fluid leak from his sinus cavity onto his brain and spinal cord causing meningitis. But God has been so good and Jude has not had any of these. In fact if we didn't have a CT scan we wouldn't even know he had a serious fall. Jude is completely unfazed and acting just like his normal self and there is hardly even a bruise (I highly recommend the use of vaseline on bumps and bruises - I have no idea how or why it works but really it does).

A couple of tidbits from this experience:

Jude was adamant at each of our stops that he not be subjected to a shot. "Mommy, tell the doctor I don't need a shot." And upon the exit or nurses or doctors he would jubilantly exclaim, with arms raised, "I didn't have to have a shot!"

Jude was fascinated with everything. So much so that at the ER I wondered (before the CT) if we should have really come he seemed so normal.

I have been told I was so chill, put together and strong - ummmm I guess on the outside but I was freaking out and Chad can tell you this is true. In answer to this I would just like to say that it is only because I have faith in the love of Jesus for me and for Jude that I was able to make it through this situation. So If I was peaceful or strong it was really the peace of Jesus and the strength of Jesus. Jesus is my everything. And he reassured me several times of his love for me through the support of friends and family and even the radio when a passage from Matthew, the one about Jesus saying to let the children come to him was read and it reminded me that Jesus loves children and will take care of them.

We were like the walking dead on friday.

Jude's nose is apparently full of boogers. CT's don't lie.

We were given instructions to keep Jude from: rough housing, wrestling, jumping, climbing, riding bikes, etc. Basically don't let Jude be a boy.

I am extremely disappointed that we are going to have to postpone the birthday present I had planned - a trampoline! Ahhhh mommy wanted to send the boys out to expend energy. I also am a big kid and want to jump too :( But it would be rather cruel to say happy birthday but you can't jump as your head is broke.

Anywho we are off to the pool.

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