Friday, July 25, 2014

4 Months!

Asher is 4 months old today! Wow! Our little guy is growing so fast. He now gives the best smiles. He is slightly less fussy and demanding. He can roll from his back to his tummy and from his tummy to his back but he hasn't strung the two together yet. He is figuring out how to grab things and stuff them in his mouth. He is pulling my hair out (this is why I got a short cut when Jude was around this age - but not this time I'm rocking the braid and bun). He found his feet. He has the bottom two teeth and it won't be long until more pop up because he is always drooling. For a week or so he was waking up between 4:30am-5am all smiles (mommy was not so happy) but thankfully he reset himself and is now making it to 6:30am-7am! He sleeps 4-7hours straight at night as I nurse him in bed sometimes I don't really remember feeding him so I can't say for sure he didn't wake up and nurse though I can usually figure it out since he will be on the opposite side of me. He is a little over 16lbs. He is about 26". Some of his 6 months outfits are already too small but I think we can put off the 9 month clothing another week or two. He still likes mommy to wear him :) He takes good naps in his swing or if I lay him in my bed and slowly move away from him once he is asleep (I surround him with large pillows but this solution is about to come to an end as he is starting to wiggle and roll over - I do not need another monkey falling off the bed). He makes the cutest squeaks. He stuffs his hands in his mouth and sucks his fingers - just like his Auntie Drea did. He gets fussy when he gets hot - just like his Auntie Charity did. We love him so much. God has been so good to give us another son!

Some pictures of the last month:

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