Friday, June 13, 2014

What did you do today?

Of all the questions I get I think one of my most hated is, "what did you do today?" Why do I hate this because most often I feel like I can't think of what we did that seems impressive or awesome. I mean really. I did the dishes 4 times, changed 10-20 diapers, washed laundry (or diapers), picked up thousands of toys, spanked at least one of the boys, nursed Asher, bathed Shiloh and who know what else. Staying at home is not very often glamorous but I love it. Here are some random pictures of what we do.

Shiloh helping carry stuff to the car while wearing Granny's shoes.

Baby wearing. Love it. Asher likes to face out all the time now.

I saw on Facebook an idea for quiet blocks. So I tried it. You cut up pool noodles and then use them like blocks.

Castle walls that the boys built. After building they of course knocked it over. But hey it was fun.

My water wrap - to baby wear in the pool - I may be a little into baby wearing.

So sweet. Shiloh likes to hold Asher's hand in the car. They both fell asleep.

We bought a wagon. The boys love it.

Owl at the zoo.

Shiloh discovered that if he stood over the hole it would spray people.

I think he put the water in his mouth. Yuck!

You know they are tired when the sit and lay down in the middle of a splash pad.

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