Friday, June 20, 2014

Same Word: P_TT_ TRA_ _ _ _ UR _RA_ _ _

Can you guess what we've been up to?

A little Wheel of Fortune anyone?

Category is same word:

P_TT_   TRA_ _   _ _ UR   _RA_ _ _

If you guessed: "Potty Train Your Dragon" then you are correct! Maybe you will win the bonus round...

We have not been potty training any dragons as we do not own any dragons but we have started the terrifying and exhuasting process of potty training Shiloh. We have managed to stay dry yesterday and today (ok almost)! But we have not managed to stay clean so I have had to clean out underwear - which is not really a big deal since I cloth diaper. The biggest issue is that each time Shiloh has pooped his pants I have just started to feed Asher and am powerless to get him to the potty in time.

Pictured above is what I found pushed under my bedroom door while I was changing Asher's diaper. 1 slightly damp pair of Shiloh's under ware and two mittens. Shiloh had been wearing these 3 clothing items but decided he did not need them anymore. 

Today we went to see "How to Train Your Dragon 2" at the theater. And as a HUGE fan of the first I was quite pleased with this movie if I do say so myself. Not as good as the first but really that is no surprise. The picture above is to show you what Shiloh and Asher do during movies. This picture was not taken today though still accurate but was taken on Tuesday at the theater when we went for the $1 movie with some friends.

Jude likes to wear pi's. Especially when we watch movies at the house. He wore these the other day when we watched the first "How to Train Your Dragon."

Shiloh rocking out his big boy under ware and being a great big brother and giving baby Asher a push in the swing. Though we need to work on not pushing so hard.

Well we are off to the pool this afternoon to cool off.

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