Friday, October 31, 2014

Pumpkin Love

We are in love with pumpkins!

Our pumpkin love extends to: pumpkin spice lattes (homemade of course because we don't do those nasty ingredients found in Starbucks...I still haven't gotten it just right and it is hard to compete with a memory of perfection but last year when I tired the Starbucks latte it was terrible tasting so at least my homemade is better than that), pumpkin muffins, pumpkin baked oatmeal, etc. I am going to put pumpkin in my chili tonight so hopefully that goes over well.

In addition to the deliciousness of pumpkin there is pumpkin painting:

And the Pumpkin Patch:

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Zoo Boo!

It's October! Which means the Zoo Boo is happening...or at least it was the past 3 weekends. And of course since we love the zoo the zoo boo was a must. We enjoyed the animals and the mini pumpkin patch!

Here are pictures from our time:

On a sad note:

Shiloh was exhausted and needed a nap and threw a terrible temper tantrum...

Saturday, October 25, 2014


7! The perfect number, right? Some Guy that I know keeps telling me that it's my "Destiny" to have 7 children since that is the perfect number...this does not in fact make me uncomfortable...I'd be up for 7 children or more...I'm not crazy I promise...but I always tell this Guy he will have to help me buy a car big enough...but this post is not really about how many children I will or will not have it's about the fact that 7 months ago today we were blessed with thing 3 - Asher!!!

Happy 7 months little guy!

Asher has become a much much happier little guy. He does not cry and fuss all day long every day - hurray! He can sit up on his own, from laying down to sitting up - wow! He squirms around and rolls around and uses his sitting up technique to get him where we wants to go. He has a better push up position than most people I know. He is so close to crawling and every day I think today is going to be the day. But just when I think he might he decides that he'd rather not. He is way more interested in pulling himself up and standing. He loves to eat. He eats just about everything that we eat. He likes to feed himself thus signaling to me that I have another independent child. He loves the bath. Which is good since he needs 3 or more a day due to his eating habits. I haven't weighed him recently but I'd guess around 20lbs. He is wearing 9 month clothing but he is having trouble fitting into the footie pj's. So sad because I can't find 12 month ones that are not fleece or way over priced. He is sleeping in his room in his crib at night now. 7 hours is his minimum and the night before last he went for a record 12.5 hours until I allowed the big boys to wake him up because as a nursing momma I was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. He is getting so big I can't stand it. We love this little guy so much and are so blessed to have him. Jude and Shiloh are such great big brothers and they love him too! So Happy 7 months Asher!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Shiloh can say blue. And it is darn cute when he does. I'm not sure if blue is his favorite color or if it is the only color he can say...

We bought the boys a alarm clock. They wake up early. Sometimes 5 am and I don't want to get up at 5 am. I can't let them come out of their rooms because they are too loud so they must stay in their room. To solve the issue we were having we bought them a cool clock that changes colors when it is time to come out in the morning. The boys have caught on rather quickly and so I am most pleased to not be bothered, I mean woken up, before 7 am.

Every morning Shiloh runs out of his room crying, "blue mommy, blue."

The clock turns green.

Maybe he is color blind?

Monday, October 13, 2014

A Bit of This and That

Lately we haven't been up to all that least it hasn't been very exciting but we are ok with that!

It's nice to get into a bit of routine and one that does not involve us leaving the house everyday. Loading up three little beings in the car is not something I want to do every day. Not to mention it inevitably means changing a diaper after a child has been buckled...dogs running out of the house and like the crazy things they are around the neighborhood...the "I'm thirsty" get the is my goal to stay home!

Asher is sleeping more! Thank the Lord! He is taking a good morning and afternoon nap and we are transitioning him from mommy's bed at night to his crib...I have very mixed feelings but I think for us it is time. I am not enjoying getting out of bed at night to help him back to sleep. Though we have progressed and last night it was only once 2 hours into his night and then he slept for 6 hours straight so I think we are on the right track. I miss his little weight sleeping with me. One reason for the move though is that he is close to crawling and likes to roll his way around and the other morning I just barely gabbed his leg before he went off the bed so I really don't want him falling and well it's just time.

Shiloh is still my little Chewbacca. He is "talking" a lot more but we have no idea about what he is saying most of the time... "Juuuuuu" and "meeeee" are rather clear, as are "poo poo" and "pee pee". Why is it that little boys love saying those words? Shiloh loves to "paaaay" at meal times. It is so cute he will so this song, with no words and then say "men." Oh and Shiloh is close to being potty trained. He hardly has any wet accidents though we are not having much success staying really annoying thing he has done is pee on his bed, Jude's bed and the guest bed (thank goodness for mattress protecters) on purpose. Really he took off his under ware and peed...why? He hasn't done it again so hopefully the discipline I doled out will continue to prevent another incident.

Jude is growing. We are working (constantly) on acceptable ways to express emotions and how to act when he doesn't like something. He cracks me up with some of the things he says. I should really write them down because now that I wrote that I can't think of anything...He loves to play games. We just learned "go fish" and that is fun.

Right this minute Jude and Shiloh are hammering things with the hammer's from Don't Break the Ice and Jude is saying, "I'm Felix, I'm Fixin' it."

That is enough blogging for me. I am off to enjoy our day!

Anyway here are a couple of random pictures (notice the lack of pants...we don't do much clothing at our house):