Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Happy Birthday Shiloh!
Mommy loves you so much! You are my little monkey see monkey do boy. You watch everything your big brother does and you try and do it too! You even had to share a birthday with him. Shiloh you are such a sweet little boy. You have a big heart. A servants heart. You love to serve, always helping mommy with the laundry, sweeping floors, putting away dishes and much more. I ask that Jesus would use your servants heart to share his love with people. You are a great example of the way Jesus served. John 13:12-17 says, "When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them.  “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.  I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.  Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them (NIV)." May you grow to love Jesus and serve him always.


Happy Birthday Jude!

Mommy loves you so much! I am so proud of you. I love watching you grow into a little boy and soon you will be a little man. My prayer for you as you grow that you would recognize the unique gifts God has given you. I pray that you would use your love of stories - listening to stories, watching stories, and re-telling stories for Jesus. May you become a great teller of the stories of Jesus. I can't wait to see how God will use you for his kingdom. Paul says it well in Philemon 1:6, "Thank You, Father, for Jude. I pray that as he goes and tells his story of faith, he would tell everyone so that they will know for certain all the good that comes to those who put their trust in the Anointed One (The Voice Translation)."

Monday, August 25, 2014

5 Month Report

Asher is 5 months old! We adore our little guy. He is the fussiest baby I have ever had and if he had been my first he may have been an only (probably not true). He is currently 17.5 lbs. Barely fitting in his 6 month clothing (it's so much work y'all to pull out that bag of 9 month clothing and sort through it, wash his 6 month clothing and pack it away). Asher has a great smile. We can make him laugh. He can roll over (and off the bed too :( thank God for angels and chiropractors). He has discovered food. He gets extremely angry at meal times if I don't give him food. His first food was guacamole because he's Texan or rather because he reached out, grabbed some and stuffed it in his mouth before I could stop him (not that I blame him, guacamole is irresistible). He has had: banana, cherry, apple, celery, peach, watermelon and green beans. Pretty much whatever we are eating goes in the mesh feeder and he munches away. Asher is cutting his 3rd tooth. He has sharp teeth. It hurts when he bites. He enjoys being worn. He does not overly enjoy being held by his siblings or cousins but he will bear it for roughly 60 seconds. The hair dryer recording is magic - puts him right to sleep. He loves his momma :) We are so thankful God gave us this lithe guy!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Mood Rings

I'm thinking the lyrics to Relient K's song "Mood Rings" apply to Jude this morning:

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Life Lessons

Jude is having a crash course this week in "life lessons" and that "actions have consequences."

Last Saturday while I was making my very own pizza from scratch (it was delicious...I think my oven should get hotter for better pizza but alas it won't next time I'll try the grill!):

Jude and Shiloh let themselves into mommy and daddy's bathroom, opened a locked drawer and helped themselves to the hair cutting scissors which resulted in this:

A hole in his hair.

Holes in the bed mattress.

Jude also cut up a pair of pj's. Oh scissors how you beckon to my child. He is now learning some hopefully invaluable life lessons. 

Back up a couple of weeks: Jude was chewing gum (that his uncle Jeremy gave him) and got it in his hair.

I managed to get the gum out and keep his hair! 

Chad gave both boys a haircut in which mommy kept saying, "please don't cut too much." "I love their hair how it is." Chad did an excellent job or trimming and keeping it a length not too short.

Jude apparently could not resist giving himself a hair cut - hence the hole in the middle of his hair. It was bad. Very bad. We could think of no way to salvage his hair. I was sad. Very sad. I almost cried. I know it is just hair and it will grow back but I really liked it.

Jude was informed he would be having a buzz cut:

Turns out he really liked his hair too. In fact he liked it so much he cried when we were finished cutting it. Then when he went out side and the neighbors told him how handsome he was and how much they liked his hair cut (they did not know he had cut it himself and was now suffering a consequence) he burst into tears again and ran away. Poor guy.

Jude is getting used to his hair cut. Wearing his dragon shirt helps.

A short buzz is not the only consequence Jude is having to deal with. We decided that Jude needs to learn that it is not ok to destroy things (cutting up the mattress and the pi's). We are trying to teach him that we need to take care of the things that God has given us and that the things we have cost money and that to earn money it takes hard work. So:

Jude will buy new pj's. I made a jar for him to put his money in until he has saved enough to buy new pj's. We took all of the money out of his piggy bank and put it in the jar. To earn money he had Shiloh have been doing chores.

Shiloh cleaning the trim.

Washing baseboard.

Searching for weeds.

I have no idea why he felt a helmet was necessary.

Look at all those weeds.

Jude is at the halfway mark of the money needed for pj's. So we have more chores in store. More baseboards and toilets!

I am tired of chores because I have to make sure that he does a good job. This process is teaching me a lesson too. It is hard work to train up your children. It would have been so much easier to send Jude to his room for a time out or to spank him but we didn't think he would learn very much from those avenues of discipline. See part of discipline is thinking ahead to what kind of person we want our children to grow up to be. I so desire my children to be follower's of Jesus. I want them to do the things that please him. Part of that is understanding that the world is His and everything we have is a gift from him. We need to take care of the things he has given us. So we will continue doing chores until he has enough to pay for new pj's. And hopefully he learns something from this.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Farewell Austin

On Monday we bid farewell to Austin and the fun time we had. We woke up and had breakfast and then tried to straighten up the house and leave it somewhat clean in an effort to show our gratitude. I tried to return everything to it's proper place and I ran the dishes intending to return them to their correct location but alas one of the children hit the pause button on the fancy washer I didn't notice until I went to unload them and realized they had not been washed. We didn't have time to wait until it finished...

We loaded up in the car and headed out for one last adventure. We went to "God's Swimming pool." Barton Springs that is. See since it is not man made it was God made therefore it was God's pool. (Though if we want to be theological everything is God's because he made everything out of nothing which is why we tell Jude we follow and worship God because we are his. He made us.)

Barton Springs is fed from an underground sping. When we read about it it said it was 68 to 70 degrees year round "ideal" for swimming. 68 degrees is much colder in person than written on a website. The big boys and daddy played in the water for quite some time. Mommy used Asher as an excuse to sit under and tree and enjoy the breeze. Cold water is not for me.

We "should have had hindsight" and packed a lunch. Since we didn't we bought an expensive and not healthy lunch from a concession stand. Then we went back to the spring to swim some more.

About 2pm we decided to load up in the car and head back to Cypress. A very uneventful car ride it was. We returned on a different route because I did not want to pay a  toll. The boys ate so many snacks, then they napped, then the ate again. We stopped at Starbucks because we had a gift card and they messed up our order so they gave us our drinks free of charge. Awesome.

When we finally made it home Lilah and Boker were so happy to see us. I must say I was rather glad to see them too. We fixed dinner. Watched MasterChef and called it a night.

Yay for family getaways!