Tuesday, April 15, 2014

From Surrender to New Life

So birth has been on my mind lately...I can't imagine why? As I have reflected on Asher's birth and the labor that came before it I have thought of some of the parallels in my walk with Jesus.

See in labor there are these different stages you pass through and at first there is this excitement because you know that finally the baby you have waited for is coming. Things get harder and you focus but you are still in control. Then comes transition and it is in this transition (at least for me) when things are the hardest and you reach the point where you can no longer handle things and you think "I can't" or "I don't want to" and it's silly because its happening and you can plus at that point it doesn't matter if you want to or not because you are. At this point you have a choice fight for control or surrender to the process and relax. Both are difficult. But when you surrender and relax it allows your body to do what it needs to and then you can move on and get that baby but if you fight for control you just prolong the process because you begin to work against your body.

It is this idea of surrender, coming to the end of yourself and realizing you can't do it that has struck me about my walk with Jesus. Because that is exactly how one begins a relationship with him. When you finally realize you have messed up and there is no way you can fix it and you are separated from God then you are at the point where you can be rescued by Jesus (See Romans 3). In order to be rescued we have to surrender to Jesus and trust in him and the work that he did, he fulfilled the law (where we fall short and mess up He never did!), he took on our punishment (we deserve death and separation from God) dying on the cross, and he was raised to life (proof that God accepted his death as payment also assurance that those who trust in him that we will be raised to life).

The more I ponder it the more I realize its not just a one time surrender and then you can go on doing what you where doing. It is a daily surrender. Like in labor the contractions keep coming and you have to surrender all over again with each one. Or sometimes you have to go through a transition period in your life (and things are difficult and really suck) and that is when you most need to surrender and lean into Jesus. It is hard. And sometimes you want to fight for control. But there is hope - when you surrender to Jesus and trust him there is new life and joy incomparable.

I did not enjoy labor (because I don't like pain thank you very much) but I met it head on because I trusted there would be new life and joy after. Walking with Jesus is like this, often there is pain and I don't enjoy it but on the other side there is life and joy.

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