Thursday, April 9, 2015


We had a great time celebrating Easter! 

On a Good Friday we read the crucifixion story from the Jesus Storybook Bible and then we watched an animated bible story.

Saturday we celebrated with family at Granny's house, with an egg hunt, driving Grandaddys ford '55 pick up, fajitas and a cool visual of the empty tomb. 

Sunday we celebrated with a little egg hunt (don't tell but I used candy from the night before in the eggs). I tried to tell Chad we needed to hide the eggs harder but he said no and Jude asked me why they were out in the open and easy to see...Then we ate a special breakfast watched a animated redirection movie and then hunted resurrection eggs (which is 12 eggs each holding something that relates to the Easter story i.e. thorn for the crownbof thorns, etc. - which is why we were late for the gathering our church had at a park which was excellent despite the dreary weather. 

All in all we had a wonderful time celebrating Jesus!

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